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Inscribed stone commemorating Mary Sadler, at the entrance to the field which bears her name:


Dr Malcolm Graham, formerly head of Oxfordshire Studies for Oxfordshire County Council has provided this account of Mary Sadler: "Mary Sadler was Lady Mary Sadler née Harvey (1852-1931), wife of Sir Michael Ernest Sadler. Sir Michael was appointed Master of University College, Oxford, in 1923 and he and his wife moved into the Master's Lodgings in January 1924. Lady Sadler became dangerously ill the following year and, according to her husband's biography, she 'hovered on the brink of invalidism' until her death. Sir Michael became involved in a crusade to protect the beauty of Oxford in 1926 and was an active figure in the early years of the Oxford Preservation Trust. Mary left a legacy to the trust which enabled it to buy the field which bears her name. Lady Sadler is buried in Oxford's Rose Hill Cemetery."

The Memorials of Shotover Hill, Oxfordshire. Copyright © Alan F. Simpson, 2017